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Land (Back) Acknowledgment


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Throughout the history of Canada, Indigenous Peoples have been removed from the lands
that once sustained them — relocated to ever-diminishing reserves.
In some territories, Canada and Indigenous Peoples signed treaties to share the lands and waters. But Canada’s implementation of the treaties has, in almost every instance, failed to honour that understanding.

In other territories, Indigenous Peoples did not sign treaties. In these territories, Indigenous Peoples made no legal agreements with Canada to share responsibility of the lands and waters.
In essence, Canada took governance of these lands and resources without consent.

The first step in understanding the Land Back movement is understanding that we are on
Indigenous land.

Place a pin where you currently live then visit where you will be prompted to put in your address to learn about the Territories, Treaties and Languages that co-exist with where you live.


Please take a moment to honour the lands on which you live which was stolen from the original caretakers of the land.

De-colonization is our responsibility.


See below for resources.


University of Alberta, “Indigenous Canada”

Article: 10 Ways to be an Ally to Indigenous People


Article: Indigenous Allyship


Podcast: The Secret Life of Canada

Book: 21 Things You May Not Know about the Indian Act

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